Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Día de los Muertos Vocabulario

Día de los Muertos - Day of the Dead
Día Todos los Santos - All Saints' Day
  • alfenique - a special confection used to fashion skulls, fruits and other figures

  • altar de muertos - the offering that family and friends prepare for their dead loved ones

  • angelitos - the souls of the children who have died; literally "little angels"

  • arco - decorated arch sometimes placed on the graves or on the altar de muertos

  • atole - an ancient drink made from corn meal and water and flavored with various fruits

  • calacas - whimsical skeleton figures that represent death

  • calavera - a skull; also a slang term for "daredevil"

  • calaveras - songs and poems about the festival

  • calaveritas de azúcar - sugar skulls made for the Día de los Muertos

  • careta - mask worn by dancers to scare the dead away at the end of the celebrations

  • cempazuchitl - a yellow marigold, the symbol of death

  • copalli - a scented resin used to make incense

  • golletes - a doughnut shaped bread, glazed with pink-colored sugar and placed on the altar

  • Iluminación - the ceremony that takes place in the cemetary, where hundreds of candles are lit to guide the souls to their altars

  • mole - a thick sauce made from a variety of ingredients, including chilis, sesame seeds, herbs, spices, chocolate and fruit

  • ofrenda - an offering; refers to the goods set out on the altars

  • pan de los muertos - bread of the dead

  • papel picado - colorful tissue paper with intricate, festive designs cut out

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