Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Medical Spanish - Pronunciation Practice

Click on the icon to listen to the phrase as it is spoken in Spanish. Even if you don't think you will "need" to use these phrases, you can use this exercise to practice your Spanish pronunciation. Practice and Repeat!

¿Tiene tos? Do you have a cough?

¿Qué medicina toma? What medicine do you take?

¿Tiene fiebre? Do you have a fever?

¿Tiene escalofríos? Do you have chills?

¿Ha tenido dolor muscular? Have you have muscle pain?

¿Ha tenido dolor en los huesos? Have you have bone pain?

¿Ha tenido comezón? Have you had itching?

¿Está herido? Are you hurt? (male)

¿Donde le duele? Where is the pain?

¿Puede hablar? Can you talk?

Respire profundo. Breathe deeply

¿Ha tenido vértigo? Have you had vertigo?

¿Ha tenido palpitaciones? Have you had palpitations?


Carol said...

These phrases bring back memories - I am a Brit living in Spain and I used to teach English to a pharmacist. We covered these phrases more often as questions: 'Do you have a cough?', but they are certainly a memory-jogger, thank you xx

Arielle said...
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Arielle said...

Thanks for the resource! I really like when there is accompanying audio along with the vocab. SpanishDict is another great site that does this with their English to Spanish Translation. Enjoy!