Monday, September 15, 2008

Spanish Learning Tip

Braser has a great "Word of the Day" that you can add to your RSS Feed or to your iGoogle page. It will help with daily Spanish vocabulary building. Here are some examples of this week's words:

September 15th, 2008
estable = stable
Pronounced: eh-stáh-bleh
Type: adjective
Example: Tenemos un clima bastante estable en esta zona.
Translation: We have a fairly stable climate in this area.

September 14th, 2008
(la) reducción = reduction / cutback
Pronounced: reh-dooc-see-óhn
Type: noun
Example: No habrá una reducción de impuestos este año ni el próximo.
Translation: There'll be no reduction in taxes this year nor next year.

September 13th, 2008

organizar = organize
Pronounced: ohr-gah-nee-sáhr
Type: verb
Example: Organizamos una fiesta de despedida para el director comercial.
Translation: We organized a farewell party for the marketing manager.

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